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Work on Words (WOW) 

Vocabulary Workbook: Multiple Choice
For First and Second Graders and Scholars Much Older

  • Whereas POW is designed for rank beginning readers, WOW is designed for slightly older children who have  demonstrated some reading ability.

  • The focus here is solely on vocabulary building.

  • With a left click on any word or phrase, the selection will be heard.

  • By hearing the various selections, as opposed to merely seeing them, children will find it easy to match vocabulary words with their respective definitions.

  • For slightly older wordsmiths, they can double left click on any word, say gyve, then right click on it and be whisked to an UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. There they can select the definition with their mouse and hear it read aloud. How cool be that? Very, to say the least!

User box gives pronunciation and  definition of gyve

 Work on Words Volume 1

Work Onwards with thumbnails

Desktop Users

  • To go to a particular page, click on Thumbnails icon on the toolbar below the book then scroll laterally or enter a page number in the box above the book in the navigation toolbar.

  • To enlarge the pages you've picked, double-click on them. Then, with your mouse, drag left or right and up or down to focus.

  • To return to normal view, double-click again. 

  • To silence the background music, tap on "Sound On" in the toolbar below the book.

Both volumes

Test Drive

Each word or line is read aloud when clicked on.

Smartphone Users

  • Tap "Click to view in fullscreen," which is superimposed on the book.

  • Hold phone vertically.

  • Use a finger to scroll rapidly from page to page or use thumbnails to jump forwards or backwards several pages.

  • To size text, use two fingers and pinch to make text smaller and press outward to make text larger. 

  • To silence the background music and/or flipping sound, tap your display to get the toolbar, then tap the sound icon and tap again to make your choice or choices. Then, to get back to the document, either tap the faint white caret to the left of "Setting" or swipe the page to the right. 

  • When through listening, tap the caret at the very bottom of your display to return to the mobile website.

Work on Words Vol. 1 and 2 do the same as their sister workbooks, Play Onwards. That is, together they cover virtually every monosyllabic word in the English language. Albeit, many of these words are beyond the ken of most beginners. Therefore, parents must use discretion in choosing which words to cover initially, and which ones to leave til later when their children are a bit older. 

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