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Lullabies & Nursery Rhymes 

Hush Little Baby

We offer twenty delightful lullabies and nursery rhymes to lull your young children to sleep. Though they're sung by acclaimed professionals, mom and dad and older siblings can sing along. More important, toddlers not able to talk yet and even babies in cradles should acquire a nascent appreciation of language that will wax greater and greater, year after year.

Baby Pictured in a Pink Crib

Lisa Loeb

Hush little baby, don't say a word

Mama's going to buy you a mockin' bird

And if that mockin' bird don't sing

Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring

And if that diamond ring turns brass

Mama's going to buy you a looking glass

And if that looking glass gets broke

Mama's going to buy you a billy goat

And if that billy goat don't pull

Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull

And if that cart and bull turn over

Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover

And if that dog named Rover won't bark

Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart

And if that horse and cart fall down

Well you'll still be the sweetest little baby in town

  • With Microsoft's Edge browser, each line of prose is shown with a light blue background and each word is highlighted in yellow as it is read aloud.

Shows a line of "Hush Little Baby" highlighted in light blue and the word that would be read highlighted in yellow.

  • In French --
  • Shows "Hush Little Baby" in French with highlighted line in blue and word in yellow


    To read aloud the above nursery rhyme, double left click on the title, or the beginning of a stanza. Next, from the pop-up menu that appears, right click and choose “Read aloud from here.” Voila, you will hear your selection! To move forward or backward from stanza to stanza, all you need to do is click at the start of a stanza. Simple indeed! Try it, if you please!


    While you’re listening to the lullaby, you should notice that a new toolbar will have appeared complete with navigational and voice controls. It will be the third toolbar from the top of the page. The toolbar will enable you to start, stop, or pause the audio, and go forward or backwards from stanza to stanza. ​


    To hear this lullaby sung by Lisa Loeb, merely tap the voice box next to her name. To hear it narrated by a TTS voice, follow the steps below:

    1. Press firmly on the first word of the lullaby (or any word on the page). When you do, you should feel a thump and see a horizontal menu bar appear. See Photo 1 below.

    2. Next, tap the three vertical dots on the right of the menu," then tap "Read aloud." Often that will suffice to get the TTS voice to read the poem in its entirety. Sometimes, however, it will read just the one word you had tapped on. If so, you must tap on that word again, or some other word, then tap on "Select all." When you do, a vertical menu bar should appear from which you should choose "Read aloud." See Photo 2 below.

    3. When through listening, you should leave the voice controls atop your display in order to listen to other webpages in whichever language you’re using. But before doing so, you must pause the voice, otherwise it will continue to read the webpage that you had just left. To read the new page, merely tap on the first word of the paragraph you would like to read. See Photo 3 below.

    "Hush" is highlighted and horizontal menu appears over picture of Baby Girl
    Photo 1
    "Hush" is highlighted and vertical menu appears over picture of Baby Girl
    Photo 2
    "Hush Little Baby" with voice controls on top
    Photo 3
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