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Printing, Cursive +

Other Literacy Skills Taught Concurrently
at the Earliest Age

While practicing Printing and Cursive, students will naturally begin to learn to spell and decode (i.e. to read without necessarily comprehending).

 Printing and Cursive Exercises

  • Interactive, Fun Drills.

  • 126 pages.

  • Comprehensive Coverage of the English Language.

  • While Practicing Printing & Cursive, Beginners learn Phonics & Develop a Budding Vocabulary. 

  • Serves as a Reading Primer.

  • Provides a Choice of Several Fonts.

  • Lined, colored writing paper.

  • Illustrations for every drill.

  • Print out lesson and listen while practicing.

Young girl, cartoon character, writing at her desk.

It's fun learning to write legibly!

goofy scholar with mortar cap

Each word (both in print and cursive) as well as each sentence is heard individually when clicked on.


Sans Serf Alphabet for Printing, upper and lower cases


Cursive Alphabet, upper and lower cases

Practice Sheet

Practice Sheet of with lines of different colors
  • Two kinds of practice sheets.

  • Students may print out sheets and practice while listening on computer or another device.

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