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Anti-Illiteracy War Games

Digital "Playing Cards"

  • All 10 games played with a virtual deck of 360 cards.

  • Children of different ages and abilities can play at the same time.

  • Requires a parent or older sibling to officiate.

  • Numbers on front and back of cards are linked for easy use.

Front Side: Cards 1-4

Obverse or front side of Anti-illiteracy War Cards 1-4
  • The front and back of each card are linked with one another by the numbers on the top right of them.

  • Every word on the front and back of the cards are read aloud individually when clicked on.

Back Side: Card 1

Children develop various abilities:

  1. To sound out words.

  2. To spell practically any word.

  3. To use new vocabulary words appropriately in speech and writing.

  4. To speak clear and intelligently.

  5. To write sentences and paragraphs cohesively and cogently.

  6. Numbers are linked, making "cards" fun and efficient to use. (*Desktop only.)


  • Some games may be played for years on end and still render remarkable literacy growth.

Card 1: Back of Anti-illiteracy War Card

Something Else




All 10 Anti-illiteracy Games

These games are great fun for everyone, including parents and teachers!

  • Click Green Dot to access Thumbnails and Bookmarks. 

  • Click icon on top left of toolbar to toggle the aforementioned off.

  • Use Arrows on toolbar to go forward or backward from page to page.

  • Click number on top right of any "playing card" to go from front to back (or vice versa) of respective card.

Test Drive without downloading (Silent Mode)

Dr. Knott, Dean of Education points to caption saying that the games are "great fun for everyone"


Note: The Adobe Read out loud feature is not available on smartphones. Therefore, some games cannot be played, and other games must be modified.

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