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Welcome to Totally Literate

執筆者の写真: TD McGannTD McGann

"What are we all about?" you wonder. Firstly, we are about helping our future scholars to become fully actualized, that is, to reach their full potential. Secondly and lastly, we are about helping foreign students understand English and to be understood when they converse in this language.

We fancy our website as being right for all aspiring Totally Literate students. We think it's right for any child no matter how young and for any adult no matter how old. You wonder, "How can this be?" The answer, the subject matter differs. Toddlers, still in diapers, are not expected to acquire a vocabulary approaching that of a college professor…not right off certainly, and college professors, foreign ones that is, aren't expected to spend much time memorizing nursery rhymes and singing along to lullabies.

Because all our products are fun to use, particularly our inherently humorous rhyming stories, Totally Literate appeals to all ages. Parents should enjoy the stories every bit as much as do their children, if not more so.


No doubt, you're wondering what "Something Else" is about! As you likely know full-well, this complimentary product, along with The Red Well-Read Reader Flipbook, has been promised to all visitors who become Honorary members. It's actually the Anti-illiterate War Games. "Something Else" is fully linked. Also, it's loads of fun and efficacious too, and almost as cognitive stimulating as

the audible version entitled to members with a Pearl membership or above.


Once again, we bid you welcome to our website. As time goes by, perhaps every week or so, we should have another word or two to say. Until then, Happy Learning!



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