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Multilinguals on Non-Flag Languages 


14 Steps to Access Non-Flag Languages

Step One: Click "Multilingual Index" under Palladium.

Step Two: In order to get the best textual fidelity, the sets should be opened in English under the American flag.

Step Three: Access one of the ten. (In this example, we have chosen Set Two, as pictured below.) 

Stories 37 & 38 in English


Step Four: With your mouse, select Story 37, then right click on the highlighted selection. This action will trigger three things. One, the "Translate icon" will appear next to the "Read out loud icon" on the URL toolbar. Two, "Voice Options" will appear on the far right of the reading toolbar. Three, an English TTS voice will start to speak. See the pictures below.

In some instances the translate symbol or icon is present when visiting a website for a new session. But more often than not, it's not present. Hence, the balance of these instructions is for the more likely scenario, when the symbol is missing. 

Edge translate & Read out loud symbols
Voice options  on speech toolbar
Title: Multilinguals - Set Two with Story 37 highlighted

Step Five: Pause the speaker.

Step Six: Click "Voice options," then choose a Croatian speaker from the drop-down menu. 

Voice options menu with Croatian highlighted

Step Seven: With your mouse, select Story 37 again, as it's shown duplicated below.

Selected Story 37 is highlighted

Step Eight: Right click on the highlighted selection above. This action will cause the "Translate User Box" to appear as shown below.

User box with Croatian selected and  the Translate button clickable

Step Nine:  In the user box above, check the blank square, then click "Translate" in the blue-colored square. Clicking this button will translate Story 37 but nothing else. See picture below.

Just Story 37 has been translated into Croatian, the other text is in Englilsh

Step Ten: Click the "Translate icon" on the URL toolbar This action will cause the box below to appear.

Translated selected box, with choices Done or Show original

Translate Icon

Step Eleven: Click "Show original" in the box above. This action will momentarily change all the stories in the set to English. See picture below. (List truncated.)

Stories 37 & 38 of Set 2  in English

Step Twelve: Click "Translate Icon" again. This time the user box will appear different. See picture below.

Translate user box, showing Croatian selected

Step Thirteen: Click "Translate" in the blue square above. Then, Voila! This time not only will all the stories be translated to Croatian, but the entire website as well. See picture below.

Entire website is in Croatian.


Step Fourteen:  Lastly, double left-click on the first word of any story then right click on it and choose from the drop-down menu, "Continue to read out loud from here."

Superimposed over Story 39 in Croatian in a pop-up menu with an arrow pointing to "Continueto read aloud from here."


Note: From hereon, there is no need to translate again while you surf from page to page in Croatian. However, when you're finished with Croatian and want to return to English or some other language, you must first change the TTS speaker to one which speaks the language you intend to use next.

*Be mindful that when going from one flag language to another flag language, changing speakers is done automatically.


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